You are not logged in.
This API is used to authenticate a user when the user joins a meeting anonymously. Based on the meeting ID and password authentication, an authentication random number is returned. The random number can be used to obtain anonymous user details and meeting details.
Name | Type | IN | Mandatory | Description |
X-Password | string | header | Yes | Meeting password. |
conferenceID | string | query | Yes | Meeting ID. |
Operation successful.
Name | Type | Description |
siteUrl | string | Next-hop URL. |
random | string | Authentication random number. |
Authentication is not performed or fails.
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | error code.
error_msg | string | error message. |
Server internal error.
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | error code.
error_msg | string | error message. |
"GET https://{endpoint}/v1/mmc/management/conferences/anonymous/auth?conferenceID=912731059"
Operation successful.
"siteUrl": "",
"random": "974235333136972"
Authentication is not performed or fails.
"error_code": "MMC.118000001",
Server internal error.
"error_code": "MMC.11070003",
"error_msg": "CONF_EXCEPTION"