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This API is used to query all recording files in the management domain of an administrator or query all recording files managed by a common user. If no query parameter is carried, recording files within the permissions scope are queried by default.
Name | Type | IN | Mandatory | Description |
X-Site-Id | string | header | No | ID of the HCS Online site where the authentication is performed. |
X-Authorization-Type | string | header | No | Whether the request is sent from a third-party portal. |
X-Access-Token | string | header | Yes | Token authentication. Use the value of accessToken in the response to the request for [Authenticating an App ID]. |
sortType | string | query | No |
endDate | long | query | Yes | End time of the query, in milliseconds. |
startDate | long | query | Yes | Start time of the query, in milliseconds. |
searchKey | string | query | No | The meeting topic, user who schedules the meeting, and meeting ID can be used as the keywords. |
queryAll | boolean | query | No | Whether to query meeting recordings of all users in your enterprise.
limit | integer | query | No | Number of records to return. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. |
offset | integer | query | No | Page index to return. Default value: 0. |
userUUID | string | query | No | UUID of users who schedule meetings. Only administrators have the permissions to query the UUID of all users in the same enterprise. Common users can only query their own UUID. The default value is the UUID of the login account. |
Operation successful.
Name | Type | Description |
offset | integer | Record index. |
limit | integer | Number of records on each page. |
count | integer | Total number of records. |
data | Array of RecordResultDO objects | Recording file list. |
Name | Type | Description |
confUUID | string | Meeting UUID. |
confID | string | Meeting ID. |
url | Array of strings | URL for watching the recording file. |
rcdTime | integer | Recording duration, in seconds. |
rcdSize | integer | Recording file size, in MB. |
subject | string | Meeting topic. |
scheduserName | string | User who schedules the meeting. |
startTime | string | Meeting start time. |
isDecodeFinish | boolean | Whether the recording file is transcoded. |
decodeEndTime | long | Estimated time when transcoding of a recording file will complete. |
available | boolean | Whether the recording file can be played. |
recordAuthType | integer | Recording authentication mode. This parameter is valid only when recordType is set to 2 or 3.
Authentication is not performed or fails.
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | error code.
error_msg | string | error message. |
Server internal error.
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | error code.
error_msg | string | error message. |
"GET https://{endpoint}/v1/mmc/management/record/files?startDate=1581696000000&endDate=1582819199999"
Operation successful.
"data": [
"confUUID": "7206baf3595411eab96df9726995e579",
"confID": "912731059",
"url": [
"rcdTime": 741,
"rcdSize": 35,
"subject": "Video conference02",
"scheduserName": "Secretary Jin",
"startTime": "2020-02-27 11:29",
"isDecodeFinish": true,
"decodeEndTime": "1582804614871",
"available": "true"
"confUUID": "994eb0dc595311ea96aa558817f2e896",
"confID": "912731059",
"url": [
"rcdTime": 340,
"rcdSize": 12,
"subject": "Video conference01",
"scheduserName": "Secretary Jin",
"startTime": "2020-02-27 11:23",
"isDecodeFinish": true,
"decodeEndTime": "1582803369300",
"available": "true"
"confUUID": "8402d614595211eab1ac0bea481dde1e",
"confID": "912731059",
"url": [
"rcdTime": 398,
"rcdSize": 2,
"subject": "Video conference",
"scheduserName": "Secretary Jin",
"startTime": "2020-02-27 11:15",
"isDecodeFinish": true,
"decodeEndTime": "1582803031607",
"available": "true"
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"count": 3
Authentication is not performed or fails.
"error_code": "MMC.118000001",
Server internal error.
"error_code": "MMC.11070003",
"error_msg": "CONF_EXCEPTION"