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This API is used to query details of all historical meetings in the management domain of an administrator or query details of all historical meetings managed by a common user.
Name | Type | IN | Mandatory | Description |
X-Site-Id | string | header | No | ID of the HCS Online site where the authentication is performed. |
X-Authorization-Type | string | header | No | ‘Whether the request is sent from a third-party portal.’ |
X-Query-Type | integer | header | No | This parameter is valid only when X-Type is set to 2. Default value: 0.
X-Type | integer | header | No |
X-Access-Token | string | header | Yes | Token authentication. Use the value of accessToken in the response to the request for [Authenticating an App ID]. |
userUUID | string | query | No | UUID of the user (registered on the USG). |
searchKey | string | query | No | The meeting topic, user who schedules the meeting, and meeting ID are used as the keywords for querying details of historical meetings. |
limit | integer | query | No | Number of participant records to return. Default value: 20. This parameter is used to display PageParticipant data by page. |
offset | integer | query | No | Page index of the participant list to return. Default value: 0. This parameter is used to display PageParticipant data by page. |
confUUID | string | query | Yes | Meeting UUID. |
Operation successful.
Name | Type | Description |
conferenceData | ConferenceInfo object | Meeting details. |
data | PageParticipant object | Information about invited participants, including those invited during meeting scheduling.
Name | Type | Description |
conferenceID | string | Meeting ID. The value can contain up to 32 characters. |
subject | string | Meeting topic. The value can contain up to 128 characters. |
size | integer | Number of participants in the meeting. |
timeZoneID | string | Meeting time zone in meeting notifications. For details, see [Time zone mapping]. |
startTime | string | Meeting start time, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. |
endTime | string | Meeting end time, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. |
mediaTypes | string | Media type of the meeting. The value consists of one or multiple enumerated values, which are separated by commas (,). The enumerated values are as follows:
conferenceState | string | Meeting state. Currently, only the Created and Schedule states are returned. If the meeting is in progress, the Created state is returned. Otherwise, the Schedule state is returned.
language | string | Meeting language. |
accessNumber | string | Meeting access code. |
passwordEntry | Array of PasswordEntry objects | Meeting passwords. The host password and guest password are returned to the user who schedules the meeting.
userUUID | string | UUID of the user who schedules the meeting. |
scheduserName | string | Account name of the user who schedules the meeting. The value can contain up to 96 characters. |
conferenceType | integer |
confType | string | Meeting type.
cycleParams | CycleParams object | Recurring meeting series parameter. This parameter list is carried when the meeting is a recurring meeting series. The parameter list includes the start date, end date, interval, and start time of the recurring meeting series. |
isAutoMute | integer | Whether to mute participants automatically when they join the meeting.
isAutoRecord | integer | Whether to enable recording automatically.
chairJoinUri | string | Link for the host to join the meeting. |
guestJoinUri | string | Link for guests to join the meeting. The value can contain up to 1024 characters. |
audienceJoinUri | string | Webinar URL for attendees to join. The value can contain up to 1024 characters. |
recordType | integer | Recording type.
auxAddress | string | Live broadcast address of the presentation. |
liveAddress | string | Live broadcast address of the video. |
recordAuxStream | integer | Whether to record the presentation.
recordAuthType | integer | Recording authentication mode. This parameter is valid only when recordType is set to 2 or 3.
liveUrl | string | Live broadcast address. (This parameter is returned when a live broadcast room is configured.) |
confConfigInfo | RestConfConfigDTO object | Other meeting settings. |
vmrFlag | integer | Whether to use a cloud meeting room to hold the scheduled meeting.
isHasRecordFile | boolean | Whether a historical meeting has a recording file.
vmrConferenceID | string | Cloud meeting room ID. If vmrFlag is set to 1, this parameter cannot be empty. |
confUUID | string | Cloud meeting room ID. If vmrFlag is set to 1, this parameter cannot be empty.
partAttendeeInfo | Array of PartAttendee objects | Information about invited participants.
terminlCount | integer | Number of hard terminals, such as IdeaHubs and TE30. |
normalCount | integer | Number of common terminals, such as PCs and mobile apps. |
deptName | string | Name of the enterprise that the user who schedules the meeting belongs to. The value can contain up to 96 characters. |
vmrID | string | Cloud meeting room ID. |
role | string | Participant role.
webinar | boolean | Whether the meeting is a webinar. |
onlineAttendeeAmount | integer | Number of current online participants. Including participants who are invited to the conference and who actively join the conference.
multiStreamFlag | integer | Whether the meeting is a multi-streaming video meeting. 1: multi-streaming video meeting. |
confMode | string | Meeting type.
scheduleVmr | boolean | Whether the meeting is held in a cloud meeting room.
concurrentParticipants | integer | Maximum number of participants in the meeting. |
supportSimultaneousInterpretation | boolean | Whether to support simultaneous interpretation.
picDisplay | MultiPicDisplayDO object | Continuous presence details. |
subConfs | Array of CycleSubConf objects | Recurring meeting list. |
cycleSubConfID | string | UUID of the first recurring meeting. |
Name | Type | Description |
conferenceRole | string | Participant role in the meeting.
password | string | Password for a participant role, which is in plaintext mode. |
Name | Type | Description |
startDate | string | Start date of a recurring meeting series, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. The start date cannot be earlier than the current date.
endDate | string | End date of a recurring meeting series, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
cycle | string | Period type. The options are as follows:
interval | integer |
point | Array of integers | Point for holding the recurring meeting. This parameter is valid only when cycle is set to Week or Month.
preRemindDays | integer |
Name | Type | Description |
isSendNotify | boolean | Whether to send emails. The default value is defined in the enterprise-level configuration.
isSendSms | boolean | Whether to send SMS notifications. The default value is defined in the enterprise-level configuration.
isSendCalendar | boolean | Whether to send calendar emails. The default value is defined in the enterprise-level configuration.
isAutoMute | boolean | Whether to mute the soft client of a guest when the guest joins the meeting. The default value is defined in the enterprise-level configuration.
isHardTerminalAutoMute | boolean | Whether to mute the hard terminal of a guest when the guest joins the meeting. The default value is defined in the enterprise-level configuration.
isGuestFreePwd | boolean | Whether guests can join the meeting without the guest password. This parameter is valid only for meetings with random IDs.
callInRestriction | integer | Participants who can join the meeting.
allowGuestStartConf | boolean | Whether to allow guests to start the meeting. This parameter is valid only for meetings with random IDs.
guestPwd | string | Guest password, which contains 4 to 16 digits. |
vmrIDType | integer | Type of the ID of the cloud meeting room meeting.
prolongLength | integer | Duration for automatically extending a meeting. The recommended value range is 0–60.
enableWaitingRoom | boolean | Whether to enable the waiting room (valid only for RTC enterprises).
isHostCameraOn | boolean | Whether to enable the camera when the moderator joins the conference.
isGuestCameraOn | boolean | Whether to enable the camera when a guest joins a conference.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Participant name or alias. The value can contain up to 96 characters. |
phone | string | Phone number. (Both the SIP and tel number formats are supported.) The value can contain up to 127 characters. phone, email, or sms must be specified.
phone2 | string | The value types are the same as those of the phone parameter. This field is reserved.
phone3 | string | The value types are the same as those of the phone parameter. This field is reserved.
type | string | The default value is defined by the Huawei Cloud Meeting server. The enumerated values are as follows:
role | integer | Participant role in the meeting. Default value: 0.
isMute | integer | Whether to automatically mute a participant when the participant joins the meeting. This parameter is valid only when the participant is invited to an ongoing meeting.
Name | Type | Description |
manualSet | integer | Whether continuous presence is customized.
imageType | string |
subscriberInPics | Array of PicInfoNotify objects | Screen list. |
switchTime | integer | Interval for displaying participants in turn, in seconds. This parameter is valid only when a screen contains multiple video sources. |
picLayoutInfo | PicLayoutInfo object | Details about the custom continuous presence layout. |
Name | Type | Description |
index | integer | Number of each screen in continuous presence. The number starts from 1. |
id | Array of strings | Session ID of each screen (callNumber). |
share | integer | Whether the presentation is used. Options:
Name | Type | Description |
x | integer | Number of horizontal screens. |
y | integer | Number of vertical screens. |
subPicLayoutInfoList | Array of SubPicLayoutInfo objects | Continuous presence settings. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Screen index. |
left | integer | Screen index from left to right. |
top | integer | Screen index from top to bottom. |
xSize | integer | Horizontal size of the screen. |
ySize | integer | Vertical size of the screen. |
Name | Type | Description |
cycleSubConfID | string | UUID of a recurring meeting. |
conferenceID | string | Meeting ID, which contains up to 32 characters. |
mediaType | string | Media type of the meeting. The value consists of one or multiple enumerated values, which are separated by commas (,). The enumerated values are as follows:
startTime | string | Meeting start time (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM). |
endTime | string | Meeting end time (format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM). |
isAutoRecord | integer | Whether recording is enabled automatically. |
confConfigInfo | CycleSubConfConfigDTO object | Other settings about the recurring meeting. |
recordAuthType | integer | Recording authentication mode. This parameter is valid only when recordType is set to 2 or 3.
description | string | Meeting description, which contains up to 200 characters. |
Name | Type | Description |
callInRestriction | integer | Participants who can join the meeting.
audienceCallInRestriction | integer | Participants who can join the webinar.
allowGuestStartConf | boolean | Whether to allow guests to start the meeting. (This parameter is valid only for meetings with random IDs.)
enableWaitingRoom | boolean | Whether the waiting room is enabled. |
showAudienceCountInfo | ShowAudienceCountInfo object | Rule of displaying the number of webinar attendees. |
Name | Type | Description |
showAudienceMode | integer | Rule of displaying the number of attendees. The server calculates and delivers the number of attendees to clients.
baseAudienceCount | integer | Attendee quantity base, ranging from 0 to 10,000. |
multiple | double | Multiplier, ranging from 1 to 10. The value can be accurate to one decimal place. |
Name | Type | Description |
data | Array of ParticipantInfo objects | Information about participants invited during meeting scheduling and invited by the host during the meeting.
offset | integer | Offset of the number of records, that is, the number of records before this page. |
limit | integer | Number of records on each page. |
count | integer | Total number of records. |
Name | Type | Description |
participantID | string | Participant ID. |
name | string | Participant name or alias. |
subscriberID | string | Number of the participant. This field is reserved. |
role | integer | Participant role in the meeting.
state | string | User status. Currently, the value is fixed to MEETTING. |
address | string | Information about the meeting room where a terminal is located. This field is reserved. |
attendeeType | string | The default value is defined by the Huawei Cloud Meeting server.
accountId | string | Account ID of a participant.
phone2 | string | If attendeeType is set to telepresence and the device used to join the meeting is a triple-screen telepresence, set this parameter to the left screen number. This field is reserved. |
phone3 | string | If attendeeType is set to telepresence and the device used to join the meeting is a triple-screen telepresence, set this parameter to the left screen number. This field is reserved. |
email | string | Email address. The value can contain up to 255 characters. |
sms | string | Mobile number for receiving SMS notifications. The value can contain up to 127 characters. |
deptName | string | Department name. The value can contain up to 96 characters. |
userUUID | string | UUID of the user who schedules the meeting. |
appId | string | App ID. You can create an app ID for an app only once. For details, see [Requesting an App ID]. |
isAutoInvite | integer | Whether to automatically invite participants when the meeting starts. The default value is defined in the enterprise-level configuration. 0: Do not automatically invite participants.
isNotOverlayPidName | boolean | Whether site names are not superimposed.
Authentication is not performed or fails.
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | error code.
error_msg | string | error message. |
Server internal error.
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | error code.
error_msg | string | error message. |
"GET https://{endpoint}/v1/mmc/management/conferences/history/confDetail?offset=0&limit=10&confUUID=65c601ae73c811eaafbf63ffa3dda280"
Operation successful.
"conferenceData": {
"conferenceID": "914211128",
"mediaTypes": "Data,Voice,HDVideo",
"subject": "Meeting 0401",
"size": 1,
"timeZoneID": "56",
"startTime": "2020-04-01 03:25",
"endTime": "2020-04-01 03:56",
"accessNumber": "+991117",
"language": "zh-CN",
"passwordEntry": [
"conferenceRole": "chair",
"password": "156775"
"conferenceRole": "general",
"password": ""
"userUUID": "ff80808167ef1edf0167f339533d05a6",
"scheduserName": "Secretary Jin",
"multiStreamFlag": 1,
"conferenceType": 0,
"confType": "IMMEDIATELY",
"isAutoMute": 1,
"isAutoRecord": 0,
"chairJoinUri": "",
"guestJoinUri": "",
"recordType": 0,
"recordAuxStream": 0,
"recordAuthType": 2,
"confConfigInfo": {
"isSendNotify": false,
"isSendSms": false,
"isSendCalendar": false,
"isGuestFreePwd": true,
"isAutoMute": false,
"prolongLength": 15,
"dispatchMode": "MANUAL_DISPATCH",
"callInRestriction": 0,
"allowGuestStartConf": true,
"isHardTerminalAutoMute": true,
"enableWaitingRoom": true
"vmrFlag": 1,
"scheduleVmr": false,
"isHasRecordFile": false,
"vmrConferenceID": "912731059",
"partAttendeeInfo": [
"phone": "+991116006724",
"name": "Suzhou Branch",
"type": "normal"
"terminlCount": 0,
"normalCount": 1,
"deptName": "Enterprise collaborative cloud service project group",
"vmrID": "ff80808167ef1edf0167f339533f05a8"
"data": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 10,
"count": 1,
"data": [
"participantID": "+991116006724",
"name": "Suzhou Branch",
"attendeeType": "normal",
"deptName": "Enterprise collaborative cloud service project group",
"email": "",
"sms": "+8615655667788",
"userUUID": "ff80808167ef1edf0167f339533d05a6"
Authentication is not performed or fails.
"error_code": "MMC.118000001",
Server internal error.
"error_code": "MMC.11070003",
"error_msg": "CONF_EXCEPTION"