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This API is used to query details of a recording file.
Name | Type | IN | Mandatory | Description |
X-Site-Id | string | header | No | ID of the HCS Online site where the authentication is performed. |
X-Authorization-Type | string | header | No | ‘Whether the request is sent from a third-party portal.’ |
X-Access-Token | string | header | Yes | Token authentication. Use the value of accessToken in the response to the request for [Authenticating an App ID]. |
userUUID | string | query | No | UUID of the user (registered on the USG). |
confUUID | string | query | Yes | UUID of a meeting, which can be obtained by following the instructions provided in [Querying the Recording File List]. |
Operation successful.
Name | Type | Description |
confUUID | string | Meeting UUID. |
confID | string | Meeting ID. |
url | Array of strings | URL for watching the recording file. |
rcdTime | integer | Recording duration, in seconds. |
rcdSize | integer | Recording file size, in MB. |
subject | string | Meeting topic. |
scheduserName | string | User who schedules the meeting. |
startTime | string | Meeting start time. |
isDecodeFinish | boolean | Whether the recording file is transcoded. |
decodeEndTime | long | Estimated time when transcoding of a recording file will complete. |
available | boolean | Whether the recording file can be played. |
recordAuthType | integer | Recording authentication mode. This parameter is valid only when recordType is set to 2 or 3.
Authentication is not performed or fails.
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | error code.
error_msg | string | error message. |
Server internal error.
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | error code.
error_msg | string | error message. |
"GET https://{endpoint}/v1/mmc/management/conferences/record/files?confUUID=7206baf3595411eab96df9726995e579"
Operation successful.
"confUUID": "7206baf3595411eab96df9726995e579",
"confID": "912731059",
"url": [
"rcdTime": 741,
"rcdSize": 35,
"subject": "Video conference02",
"scheduserName": "Secretary Jin",
"startTime": "2020-02-27 11:29",
"isDecodeFinish": true,
"decodeEndTime": "1582804614871",
"available": "true",
"recordAuthType": 2
Authentication is not performed or fails.
"error_code": "MMC.118000001",
Server internal error.
"error_code": "MMC.11070003",
"error_msg": "CONF_EXCEPTION"