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A customer can change the billing mode of resources from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use after the resources expire. The pay-per-use mode takes effect upon a yearly/monthly expiration.
Customers can follow the instructions described in From Yearly/Monthly to Pay-per-Use to enable the change from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use upon expiration in Billing Center.
- The customer can enable the change from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use only after it has paid the yearly/monthly subscription.
- The billing mode of solution portfolio products cannot be changed from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use.
- Before invoking this API, you can invoke the API described in Querying Customer's Yearly/Monthly Resources to query the resource ID, resource expiration date, and deduction policy after the resource is expired.
- With the change from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use enabled, after a yearly/monthly package expires, you will be billed for subsequently used resources on a pay-per-use basis.
- To cancel the change from yearly/mpnthly to pay-per-use, you must enable the change by calling the API described in Enabling/Canceling the Change from Yearly/Monthly to Pay-per-Use upon Expiration or set the expiration policy to Pay-per-Use After Expiration by calling the API described in Renewing Subscription to Yearly/Monthly Resources.
This API can be invoked only by the customer AK/SK or token.
Name | Type | IN | Mandatory | Description |
X-Auth-Token | string | header | Yes | Call with customer token |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
operation | string | Yes | Used to enable or cancel the change from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use. SET_UP: EnableCANCEL: Cancel |
resource_ids | Array of strings | Yes | Resource ID. You can obtain the resource ID by invoking the API described in Querying Customer's Yearly/Monthly Resources. A maximum of 100 IDs of only primary resources can be set. After this parameter is set, both the primary resource and its attached resources are changed to pay-per-use resources. You can refer to parameter is_main_resource in the response of the API described in Querying Customer's Yearly/Monthly Resources to check whether the resource is primary. |
UpdatePeriodToOnDemand Responses
Name | Type | Description |
error_details | Array of ErrorDetail objects | This parameter is returned when HTTP 200 is displayed. If some operations fail, only failure records are returned. If all the operations succeed, the record is empty. For details, see Table 1. |
Name | Type | Description |
error_code | string | Error code |
error_msg | string | ERROR message |
id | string | id |
CBC.0100:parameter error CBC.99003012:The resource ID does not exist.
"operation": "SET_UP",
"resource_ids": [
UpdatePeriodToOnDemand Responses
"error_details": []